12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp

12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp

Our brains are incredible organs, capable of complex calculations, problem-solving, and intricate reasoning. However, there are certain concepts in the universe that, no matter how hard we try, our teeny tiny brains struggle to fully grasp. Some of these concepts are so mind-bogglingly weird and intriguing that they make for fascinating topics of discussion. So, let’s dive into 12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp.

You know the feeling you get when you technically know something is true, but it seems so far beyond your comprehension that you never give it any thought? Upon doing so, you experience a sense of impending complete existential crisis because of what? Is that only me?

12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp

Redditor u/Bubblegum Crocodile recently posed the question, “What’s something you know is real/proven but still can’t wrap your head around?” in reference to precisely those kinds of topics. These are 12 of the most well-liked, astounding things they exchanged.

12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp
Earth’s crust has a thickness that varies from 3 to over 43 miles. About 60 miles thick, Earth’s atmosphere is.

1. The thinness of Earth’s atmosphere and crust. that the prospect of being dragged into space or falling into a flaming hell of molten rock seems so real.

12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp

2. “Bluetooth.” I can play music from my phone on my headphones without having to connect them, even if we’re just starting out with rocks and things, is that right?

12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp

3. That I’m closer to being a millionaire than Jeff Bezos!

12 Unbelievable Facts Our Minds Struggle to Grasp

4. That the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Stegosaurus are more closely related to us than they are to them. To me, the idea of millions and millions of years is simply incomprehensible.


5. That there are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.
The Milky Way galaxy is thought to have between 100 and 400 billion stars, while the Earth is thought to contain three trillion trees. This is covered in more detail here.


6. How recordings on vinyl operate. Not only do they function, but someone managed to find out how to do it as well. What do you mean that when you run a needle over certain squiggles that you pressed into plastic, it suddenly plays music? Completely nonsensical.
“And they don’t need electricity to function. The song is actually audible as it emerges off the needle.”


7. That the trillions of cells and microbes that comprise our bodies replicate and construct the structure that is us. They are not ourselves, but they are a part of us even though we do not directly control them in any way. Nevertheless, they create, maintain, and filter there while living their own life.


8. That aviation is possible. They’re just so enormous and heavy, even though I’ve been in one and everything many times. It seems like something that would require a rocket engine.


9. That sharks are older than trees, the rings of Saturn, and Polaris.
It is estimated that the earliest trees appeared between 350 and 420 million years ago. The age of Saturn’s rings is thought to be no more than 400 million years. The estimated age of Polaris, sometimes known as the north star, is roughly 70 million years. In contrast, sharks originated some 450 million years ago during the Late Ordovician Period.


10. That a sheep has been cloned. Even with my spotty internet, we’ve managed to clone a sheep. People, please make sense of it!


11. That the tides are due to the moon.


12. The global population.” Are you implying that the world population is nearly eight billion? And each one of them has a name, a birthday, friends, emotions, a language, a look, internal jokes, difficulties, successes, challenges, and so on? I find it difficult to understand that the individual I meet on the street has a life that is just as complicated as mine, if not more so. How about if we multiply that by eight billion?

These truths remind us that the world is a place of wonder, where even the simplest of things can become profound when we take a moment to contemplate them. It’s a testament to the mysteries and beauty of the universe we inhabit. So, the next time you’re left awestruck by the sheer magnitude of existence, remember that it’s perfectly normal, and it’s a reminder of the grandeur of our world.

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